The Stormriders: steampunk pirates

3d scene i made over the last month. It’s one of the biggest project i’ve ever done, combining a lot of characters, a ton of hard surface modelling and texturing all in one big scene! It recently got into the sketchfab's staff picks too!!! i'm so happy about this!!
for information the whole scene is made out of: 500k triangles, 1x4k, 3x2k and 1x0.5k PBR materials, there are a total of 4 different characters (some are duplicated since they are robots) and a ton of small props to fill the ship's deck! that means my computer's puny 1050TI barely made it though this one lol. made the modelling and rendering with blender, texturing with substance painter and post processing with photoshop, one of my first time using it too, i bought the adobe suite recently and i gotta say: it's so much better then what i used to have for post processing.

sketchfab version