Dust and Aliens: props and environment art

Here is a breakdown of my work on the upcoming game Dust and Aliens, I worked on this project as Lead 3d artist and technical artist for a year. This post contains all the characters, props, kits and gameplay elements I modelled/textured as well as ligthing.
Mantis-like aliens base was made by Daria Lobanova and level build was made by Valerian Buck.

premade buildings for level editor

premade buildings for level editor

modular building kit

modular building kit

small props

small props



bar and interior decorations

bar and interior decorations



giant alien skeleton

giant alien skeleton





revolver skins + mechanism

revolver skins + mechanism

bar entrance

bar entrance

bar inside

bar inside

bar inside 2nd view

bar inside 2nd view

large fences with spline curve tool

large fences with spline curve tool

fence kit with spline curve tool

fence kit with spline curve tool

electric poles

electric poles

Gameplay elements

Gameplay elements

signs animated via unreal engine materials

signs animated via unreal engine materials

flags animated using VAT in houdini

flags animated using VAT in houdini

final level boss arena

final level boss arena

final level boss arena

final level boss arena

sandstorm level

sandstorm level